Our infamous Heat Mitigation System for your Brownell’s BRN-4 Heavy Barrel uppers. Help keep your M27 IAR clone running cooler and cooling faster with Red Right Hand’s Heat Mitigation system, same system found on our RECCE LMG and RECCE IAR product lines. Our HMS will work on these models of BRN-4 with most of the rail options for them. Please Note: Some MLOK versions will have sections un-available for accessory mounting due to the Diameter of the HMS. Quad rails are completely un-effected by this.
This is a Gunsmithing Service. You can send in your BRN-4 Upper to have our HMS installed and fitted to your upper. 3 week lead-time on this service from the date of arrival to the Shop. Place you Order, and we will send instructions for shipment of your upper to us.
Service includes the Heat Sink system install, Milling of the Piston Channel to clear the 416 piston system, blackening of the the milled area, re-assembly and return shipping.
Fits all three barrel lengths of the BRN-4 Uppers with the Heavy Barrel only.